Monday, August 27, 2018

Bean Bread

2 cups lukewarm milk (Or powdered milk)
1 1/2 tbls yeast

2 cups beans, mashed
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons shortening, melted1 cup bread flour
5ish  cups WW flour

Combine the milk, beans, sugar, salt, shortening, and bread flour. Mix.
Stir in 5-6 cups flour, to make a kneadable dough.
Knead 5-10 minutes, until satiny.
Place in a greased bowl, turning to grease dough.
Cover loosely with a clean damp cloth and let rise till double.
Punch down; let rise again.
Punch down; shape into 2 loaves.
Place in greased loaf pans.
Bake at 350 for 30-40 minutes, or until thumps hollow on bottom.

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