Saturday, July 14, 2018

Rebatching Soap

1. Heat your oven to about 200 degrees

2. Grate, slice, or chunk your soap up.

 3. Place in a large enamel or stainless steel pan, like your turkey roasting pan, with a good lid.

 4. Add milk/cream(!) or water about a cup or so for 5lb of soap.

5. Mix a little, cover with lid, and place in oven.

6. Heat slowly, slowly, check every 45 minutes or so, and stir, do something else while you wait, just don't forget about it!

7. When all slivers or chunks are completely melted, add essential oils (about .5oz. per lb.), special oils, dried botanicals, colors, whatever blows your hair back!

8. Pour or "plop" into molds (any plastic container with "give", to create an air pocket when removing from molds).

 9. Tap mold CAREFULLY on counter to remove any air bubbles, but BE CAREFUL - I've had the hot soap splash onto my skin that way, so use caution!

10. When cool, pop out of molds, then set on your shelf for awhile, from 1 to several days, depending on how much liquid was

added earlier.

11. It's ready to use!!!!

 I get my soap start here

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