Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Maple Nut/Bacon Scones

Yields 8

2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  1. 1 1/2 tablespoons baking powder
  2. 1/4 cup brown sugar
  3. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  4. 3/4 cup heavy cream
  5. 1 large egg
  6. 1 teaspoon vanilla or maple extract
  7. 1 stick cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces
For the Maple Glaze
  1. 2 cups confectioners' sugar
  2. 1/4 cup heavy cream
  3. 1/4 cup maple syrup
  4. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  5. 1/4 cup pecans, chopped (OR BACON)
  1. 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt.
  3. 3. In another bowl, slightly whisk together heavy cream, egg, and vanilla or maple extract.
  4. 4. Using a pastry cutter, mix butter into the flour mixture until coarse crumbs form. Add wet ingredients and using a wooden spoon, combine until fully incorporated and mostly smooth. Be careful not to over mix. The dough might not come together into one big ball, but into separate lumps, which is just fine. Turn dough out onto your work surface and using your hands, press into a 7-inch circle. Using a pizza cutter, cut circle into 8 equal triangles (like a pizza). Place triangles onto the prepared baking sheet. Place in the oven and bake for 15-16 minutes or until edges are slightly brown. Remove from the oven transfer scones to wire racks to cool completely.
  5. 5. Once scones have mostly cooled, combine confectioners' sugar, heavy cream, maple syrup and vanilla in a medium bowl. Whisk until smooth and no lumps remain. Spoon desired amount of glaze over the scones. Sprinkle with chopped pecans OR BACON. Let sit for 5 minutes and then enjoy!
  1. Scones are best when enjoyed on the same day, but can be stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days

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